As a learner of bachelor in tourism from Ignou University, you'll be asked to study the hospitality fundamentals of tourism. The Abbreviation of bachelor in tourism is BTS in which students need to write three projects, PTS 04 and PTS 05 in second year and PTS 06 in third year. Each Ignou BTS project has a theme for example, for PST 4 you have to take cultural related topics. Similarly for Pts 05 you need to select the topic which is related to ecotourism and for pts 06 it should be related to marketing.
The above themes are suggested in the handbook of the project which is provided by Ignou to every student.

We know that choosing the proper dissertation subject can be somewhat overwhelming for you. Consequently, we have topics according to the themes provided by the Ignou University and all these topics are the latest one.
It is not necessary to choose our topic only you can share your topics also or if you need the customized topic you are always welcome to speak up with our experienced writers. Thus, check our list of Ignou BTS project topics, pick the one which interests you, and inform us if you'd like any assistance from our authors.
Our project writers are experienced and you can also need to begin your project by asking a concise research synopsis of BTS which should be 4 to 6 pages according to Ignou guidelines which must include the Introduction, Review of literature, Objectives, scope of the study, Limitation and Research methodology.
Tourism sector is one of the most affected sector during the Covid 19 pandemic. According to the world tourism department the continuous growth was 1.65 billion in 2019 and it was estimated 1.8 billion dollars in 2020 but due to the pandemic the growth rate totally decreased. You can select the topic related to effects of Covid 19 on the tourism sector also.
If you are looking for BTS project topics then you can easily get in touch with our customer support department who will help you in selecting the topics. As soon as you've selected a topic that fits your requirements, then you can contact our support department and know the process of how to go ahead.
If you are looking to get good marks in your project area you must come up with new ideas and experimentation on existing hospitality and tourism notions.
The tourism study is vary vast and interrelated to numerous other academic areas such as civil engineering, building, legislation , and sometimes even healthcare. That's why it's critical to make a hospitality and tourism project which is good, information and solves a practical issue which might be uncontrolled within the specialty.
We can not stress how important it's to create a logical study subject; it's the cornerstone of your complete research. There are numerous critical downfalls for getting your subject wrong; your boss might not be interested in working on it, the subject does not have any academic credit-ability, the study might not make logical sense, there's a chance that the research isn't viable.
Keep the Ignou guidance in mind when creating a research subject this will permit you to choose among the very best hospitality and tourism project topics. If you are still finding it difficult to write Ignou BTS projects you are always welcome to choose our writers for your project work. Our all project writers are helpful and compose the dissertation within the deadline. The best feature of ours is we don’t write plagiarized projects. Our all projects are plagiarism free and unique.